Being commercially minded, tax technical, compliant, identifying business opportunities, driving talent development, saving money and managing relationships with multiple stakeholders, internally, externally and globally. Sound familiar?

Tolley’s market leading solutions for your in-house tax team

Find answers faster
Increase productivity
Manage risk
Reduce costs

Tax research and practical guidance solutions for your in-house tax team


Access to the UK’s most up-to-date tax legislation. Find fully annotated and consolidated legislation, tax cases, HMRC materials, APB/ASB materials, detailed tax rates and allowances all at your fingertips.


Find answers faster, TolleyGuidance provides practical tax guidance with step-by-step examples, checklists, templates and interactive flowcharts. Show how you applied tax legislation in real-world situations to stakeholders.

Tolley Tax Tools

Six powerful workflow tools remove the burden from complex and repetitive research tasks, increasing productivity.

Quickly find the right tax treatment for your compliance task
Makes complex areas of tax easy to understand
Turn complex and multi-layered tax rules into answers
Tax Case Analytics
Find the winning arguments for your organisation
Tax Timeline
Proactively manage your individual or practice workload
Practice Management
A suite of resources tailored to meet the needs of your practice

Read what our clients are saying

"I like the concise and understandable language used to explain complex rules and different tax treatments."

Judith Stephni Kulatilake Tax Specialist, IKEA Ltd

Let’s work together to find the best solution to support your in-house tax team

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**Free trials are only available to individuals based in the UK. We may terminate this trial at any time or decide not to give a trial, for any reason.

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