Tolley+ Research

Find the answers you need in the definitive source of tax research
  • Unrivalled tax content
  • Rapid and accurate search results

Why use Tolley+ Research?

Get all the tax and accountancy intelligence your business needs with the largest reference library of its kind in the UK

Try Tolley+ Research today

See the difference it could make to you and your team

Complete coverage of tax & accountancy - choose the content that meets your needs

Tolley+ Research is arranged into eight core menus that can be complemented by 27 specialist bolt-ons.

    91% of the top 100 UK tax firms use Tolley

    Tolley®Library has evolved into Tolley+

    The UK’s largest collection of up-to-date tax legislation, case law and commentary fully integrated with Tolley+ Guidance & Tax Tools. Easily discover what the law says and what to do about it, all in one place.

    Designed to simply and quickly give you the answers you need, Tolley+ Guidance provides practical tax guidance with step-by-step examples and tools that demonstrate how to apply legislation in real-world situations.

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    The most powerful way to accelerate your work is right at your fingertips with Tolley+ Tax Tools. Access a suite of cutting-edge tax workflow tools designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of your everyday compliance and advisory tasks.

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