The HAT Group

The HAT Group of Accountants


HAT was established in 1975 by six firms to reap economies of scale in technical, training and recruitment services. HAT now provides services to over 200 firms, including a number of "Top 50" firms.

HAT's Audit and Accountancy Manual is regularly updated, and provides all the tools for the completion of an ISA assignment, plus non-audit assignments to Practice Assurance / Quality Checked standards. Specialist manuals are available covering Groups, LLPs, Charities, Pensions, and client money assignments. Other manuals are provided covering whole firm procedures, in areas such as "ISQC 1" and anti-money laundering.

HAT also provides a bi-monthly newsletter, covering current technical issues, and additionally, publishes specialist Charity and Pensions Newsletters at appropriate intervals.

For additional fees, HAT can also assist your compliance with ISQC 1 and ISA 220, by undertaking quality control reviews on audit files which cover all areas of the assignment.

Additional Services

For an additional fee The HAT Group can offer a wide range of services including:

  • Hot and cold file reviews
  • Mock QAD visits
  • Helplines
  • CPD courses
  • Career development courses
  • Recruitment