Peter Rayney practises as an independent tax consultant, advising owner-managed companies, accountants, lawyers and tax practitioners on a wide range of tax issues. He was previously with BDO for nearly 20 years and during the last five years he was BDO’s National Tax Technical Partner.
Peter specialises in corporate tax and corporate finance tax including company sales and acquisitions (including MBOs), reconstructions and all aspects of owner managed business taxation. He is a tax lecturer and regularly contributes tax articles to the professional press.
Peter is an author and contributor to a number of books, including Tolley's Tax Planning, Rayney's Corporate Tax and Tax Planning for Family and Owner Managed Companies. He was awarded the Chartered Institute of Taxation’s Fellowship Thesis prize in 1994. He has won the prestigious Taxation ‘Tax Writer of the Year’ award an unprecedented three times.
Peter chairs the ICAEW Tax Faculty Technical Committee and is a former President of the Chartered Institute of Taxation.