Malcolm Gunn

Malcolm Gunn

Director, M B Gunn & Co Ltd


Malcolm Gunn is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation and has over 50 years of experience in advising on all aspects of UK tax, although he has a particular interest in capital taxes. For 16 years, he was an editor of the weekly magazine Taxation. In 2004, he left the magazine to concentrate on consultancy and advisory work.

Malcolm Gunn continues to contribute frequently to technical publications on UK tax, including a chapter each year in Tolley's Tax Planning on Relevant Property Trusts. He is the current author of Tolley's Inheritance Tax and joint author with Julie Butler of Stanley's UK Taxation of Farmers & Landowners. He is also general editor of Foster's Inheritance Tax, and a consultant with Butler and Co chartered accountants.

Malcolm Gunn was awarded the Lifetime Achievement award in the LexisNexis 2004 Tax Awards and is a member of the Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers.