TolleyLibrary provides you with easy access to all the information you need
"I was very impressed by the speed of information gathering. On many tasks it reduces research time dramatically, often by up to 50 per cent on routine work."
Janine Bryant, Tax Manager, Moore Stephens

Search and browse
Natural language search and dynamic filters allow you to browse through titles and chapters or find the specific answer you're searching for faster. Build your personalised selection of titles on the virtual bookshelf and narrow your search to just one or a select handful. Connect TolleyThis, our free browser extension, to bring searching to wherever you are.

Commentary and analysis
News alerts as developments happen, commentary and analysis on the latest developments in tax and specialist case summaries. Allowing you to find new opportunities for clients quickly, whilst ensuring the information you get is always accurate.

Cross referencing
Extensively cross-referenced to give you a complete view of a given topic TolleyLibrary has the leading sources for day-to-day and specialist work. For instance, we have inserted over 100,000 cross-references in Simon s Taxes to legislation and HMRC manuals alone.

All the content you need, tailored to you
TolleyLibrary is arranged into eight core menus as outlined below that can be complemented by 25 specialist bolt-ons.
Sole Practitioners - Elements Menu
- A solid foundation to fulfil your clients’ needs.
- Fast online access to the core Tolley Tax Annuals, Whillans Tax Tables and Tolley’s Tax Guide.
- Access to Yellow and Orange Tax Handbooks.
High-Street Practices - Essentials Menu
- Access to the core elements of taxation and accountancy.
- Access to the core Tolley Tax Annuals, Whillans Tax Tables and Tolley’s Tax Guide and Tolley’s Taxwise I.
- Paired with fully annotated and consolidated direct and indirect legislation.
Indirect Tax Practitioners - Indirect Menu
- The definitive menu for indirect tax practitioners ensuring complete confidence when advising clients.
- Online access to all elements of indirect tax, including De Voil Indirect Tax Service, VAT annuals and indirect tax planning titles.
- Paired with fully annotated and consolidated indirect legislation.
General Practice Firms - Gold Menu
- A complete research service created to suit the needs of full-service general practice firms.
- Simon’s Taxes along with all of our tax annuals and direct tax planning titles are included along with titles specifically relevant for your clients.
- Paired with our fully annotated and consolidated direct and indirect legislation.
Large General Practice Firms - Platinum Menu
- A complete research service, created to suit the needs of large general practice firms who service a large range of clients.
- Covering all elements of taxation and core accountancy this menu includes Simon’s Taxes and De Voil Indirect Tax Service along with all our tax annuals and tax planning titles.
- This menu also includes specialist content such as Spitz and Clarke.
National & International Full-Service Firms Menu
- The most comprehensive research service created to suit the needs of top-tier national and international full service firms.
- This menu also includes a range of legal, compliance and company secretarial titles, as well as our full range of specialist tax source.
Small In-House Tax Teams - Essentials Menu
- This menu offers the essential in-house tailored elements of TolleyLibrary and is created to suit the varied needs of small in-house tax teams.
- Covering the relevant direct and indirect legislation, detailed commentary and analysis, cases and HMRC materials.
In-House Tax Teams - Practitioner Menu
- This menu offers all the in-house tailored elements of the TolleyLibrary and is created to suit the varied needs of in-house tax teams.
- Covering the relevant direct and indirect legislation, detailed commentary and analysis, cases, news and HMRC materials that your in-house team will require.
Specialist International Tax bolt-ons
International tax intelligence that helps your organisation mitigate risk, save time spent on carrying out cross jurisdictional tax research, and reduce outsourcing costs from panel firms or regional tax advisers.
TolleyLibrary’s International Tax Menu bolt-on
In an increasingly globalised landscape, keeping up to date on overseas jurisdictions has never been more complicated. TolleyLibrary’s International Tax bolt-on helps you to identify potential risks, issues and opportunities for your clients or business. The menu provides you with access to specialist Tolley commentary sources on a wide range of international tax issues including Global VAT, Corporate Tax, and Employment Tax, as well as comprehensive legislation, cases and HMRC materials.
Global Mobility: Employment Taxes Europe and Worldwide bolt-on’s
TolleyLibrary’s Global Mobility: Employment Taxes is a tax intelligence bolt-on, helping you design and operate cost-effective and compliant global mobility programs by… providing you with leading intelligence written by specialist tax experts from around the globe. Choose between two content sets that cover Europe or the Rest of the World with comprehensive country guides to domestic payroll compliance obligations and practical guidance and tools that enables you to implement the most effective and efficient global payroll policies.
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